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Multiple doctor errors and misdiagnoses almost end girl's life

Although no one wants to experience a misdiagnosis or a botched surgery, the truth of the matter is that this occurs more frequently than many New York residents think. As many as 20 percent of medical cases across the nation are misdiagnosed. Nearly 30 percent of those doctor errors were life-threatening or resulted in permanent disability or death.

A mother in another state rushed her daughter to the emergency room after she vomited a large amount of blood. The mother received several diagnoses, none of which seemed accurate. First she was told that it was only allergies. One physician said it was an infection and mumps, while another asserted it was only migraines. Several medical physicians asserted it was gastritis and one even said that she had a tumor within her throat, requiring surgery.

The mother decided to get another opinion from elsewhere. That physician told her that her daughter did not have a tumor; however, she had an aneurysm growing inside her mouth and her primary artery was close to bursting. Evidently, the damage had occurred several months earlier when the girl had her tonsils removed. Apparently, if the mother had let the physician remove the tumor when he wanted to, her daughter would have died. Luckily, she is still alive and enjoying life thanks to her artery being rebuilt.

It is difficult for parents to see their children in pain. When a parent seeks medical advice and treatment, they expect it to be accurate. As shown in this case, that does not always happen. Doctor errors can often cause serious harm if they are not caught in time. For those in New York who have suffered or lost a loved one due to a misdiagnosis or a doctor error, they may be entitled to file a medical malpractice claim in order to obtain financial restitution that may help them recover from economic losses that have been sustained.

Source: wearecentralpa.com, "A Misdiagnosis Endangers a Little Girl's Life", , May 6, 2014

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