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February 2014 Archives

Elderly woman wins medical malpractice claim after botched call

An elderly woman in New York recently put her faith into an ambulance crew that was to provide adequate care when they answered her 911 call for help. The 65-year-old woman has recently been awarded a $1.25 million settlement for medical expenses, pain and suffering after this botched 911 call. A New York Supreme Court jury made this decision following two weeks of a medical malpractice trial.

A prescription error may be more likely with pharmacy techs

Prescription medications are an integral part of the recovery process and treatment for a variety of ailments and illnesses. Most New York residents pick up their medication from the pharmacy, head home and take the medicine as stated on the instructions without another thought about it. However, pharmacies are known to make a prescription error every now and then, resulting in the wrong drug or wrong dosage, which can cause serious harm to the patient.

Nursing negligence alleged to have killed resident

When a New York family makes the decision to seek residential care for a loved one, either for a short-term stay or a permanent residence, the choice is never an easy one to make. Even when all parties agree that a nursing home is the best possible option, finding the right facility is always a daunting task. For one family, an apparent act of nursing negligence has contributed to the death of their loved one, and it has made their worst fears concerning residential care come true.

Woman sues hospital for nursing error in regard to paternity

When a doctor or nurse provides one with information, New York residents generally believe them. After all, they are the ones who went to school and have received training in medical care. However, it isn't uncommon for a nursing error to occur that can result in serious harm to a patient and his or her family.

A prescription error is more common than New York residents think

Most New York residents will pick up their prescription from the pharmacy and head home immediately. Further, most people will begin taking the medicine without ever checking to ensure that the prescription that they received is indeed accurate. Many never even consider the fact that the pharmacist could have made a prescription error and provided the wrong dosage or even the wrong drug.

Can a new software reduce the possibility of a surgical error?

For those in New York who are going into surgery, as well as their families, the thought of a surgical mistake occurring during surgery may cause them to lose a fair amount of sleep at night. Well, it's not happening to just them. Being familiar with the risk a surgical error poses on a patient and their family, a software engineer in another state is on the verge of developing software that could help keep some surgical errors at bay.

Low staff levels attributed to New York man's death in ER lobby

From time to time, the waiting room of hospital emergency rooms can become very crowded. As a result, patients may have to wait for quite some time before they can receive medical attention. For some people, time spent waiting is just a major inconvenience, but for others it's the difference between life and death.

Hospital negligence leads to more harm by nuerosurgeon

When it comes to personal health and wellness, few individuals are given more trust than doctors. For many New York residents, hospitals and doctors and their supporting staff are the catalyst to continued health and well-being. Unfortunately, not all doctors or hospitals operate in a way that is deserving of that trust. Hospitals that continue to employ doctors who do not conduct themselves in ways that honor their oaths and responsibilities to their patients may find themselves facing hospital negligence suits.

Student project focuses on helping 7-year-old with cerebral palsy

In the textbook medical definition sense, cerebral palsy is a term used to describe a group of movement disorders. There are many different forms of this disorder, including spastic cerebral palsy, dyskinetic cerebral palsy, athetoid cerebral palsy and ataxic cerebral palsy. But for those caring for a loved one with cerebral palsy, these definitions and terms -- while certainly important -- are not what they think of on a day-to-day basis. Rather, making sure their loved one is properly cared for is top of the list.