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Medication Errors Archives

A prescription error may be more likely with pharmacy techs

Prescription medications are an integral part of the recovery process and treatment for a variety of ailments and illnesses. Most New York residents pick up their medication from the pharmacy, head home and take the medicine as stated on the instructions without another thought about it. However, pharmacies are known to make a prescription error every now and then, resulting in the wrong drug or wrong dosage, which can cause serious harm to the patient.

A prescription error is more common than New York residents think

Most New York residents will pick up their prescription from the pharmacy and head home immediately. Further, most people will begin taking the medicine without ever checking to ensure that the prescription that they received is indeed accurate. Many never even consider the fact that the pharmacist could have made a prescription error and provided the wrong dosage or even the wrong drug.

Wrong dosage results in overdose of weeks-old infant

New York patients trust that their physicians and pharmacists provide them with the accurate dosage of medication to help them recover from an illness. Unfortunately, a wrong dosage medication error and overdoses can occur due to the negligence of health care providers. When this occurs, health care providers need to be held liable for the harm that they have caused. For one family in another state, they are finding out just how devastating a medication error can be.

Drug shortages can lead to poor patient outcomes

Hospital patients have many risks for suffering from adverse events. There are many different types of errors that impact patient safety, but a new survey found that drug shortages are very harmful for patients. Half of the pharmacy directors surveyed said adverse events, including fatalities, were caused by drug shortages. 

Study finds many patients misdiagnosed with asthma

Misdiagnosis is a serious medical mistake and happens more often than patients think. There are many different medical conditions that are commonly misdiagnosed by physicians in the United States, but new studies show that misdiagnosis is common among asthma patients.